Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number that is required to be able to work in Canada, file taxes, and have access to government programs and benefits. There is no fee to apply for a SIN. The use of your SIN is temporary and is only valid for the duration of your work permit. If you have worked in Canada in the past, you will need to update your SIN to ensure that the expiry date corresponds with the expiry date on your new work permit.

You can apply online or by mail. If you are unable to apply online or by mail, you have the option to apply in person. To find out more about applying, click here or call 1‑866‑274-6627. To locate a Service Canada Office, please click here.

Please note that if you are coming to Canada under the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP), your employer is responsible for taking you to complete your SIN application process.